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                Welcome: Dongguan Mingpin Travel Goods co. LTD
                Language: Chinese ∷  English

                Factory information

                World top 500 enterprises and international brands priority choice of OEM luggage custom processing and production factory.Founded in 2006, Dongguan MingPin Travel Goods Co., Ltd. is a well-known enterprise integrating luggage design, R&D, e-commerce and export trade. It has more than 1,1000 square meters of modern production plants and more than 260 professional staff. The company\'s main brands are "哈士奇“,”\"STARCO\", and "AS". It has deep cooperation with world famous brands such as \"SAMSONITE\", \"OGLO\", \"Taylor Guitar\" and \"BRIC\'S\". The products cover business travel backpacks and leisure. Backpacks, ladies\' bags, student bags and other products have won recognition and trust from consumers at home and abroad for their excellent product quality, design taste with the times and exquisite craftsmanship. At the same time, we will provide the best products and after-sales service for all customers with the enterprise tenet of “integrity, strength and excellence”.

                Company:Dongguan Mingpin Travel Goods Co., Ltd.


                GB/T 19001/IS0 9001

                GB/T 45001/ISO 45001

                GB/T 24001/ISO 14001


                Address: dongguan step Lao town village ridge ridge mansion street, no. 81 

                Website: www.villageprovence.com

                CONTACT US

                Contact: Jinbo.Zhong

                Phone: 13652589322

                Tel: 0769-82316823

                Email: KIngbox@villageprovence.com

                Add: The border town of village ridge ridge mansion street, no. 81 on the third floor

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